Thursday, October 22, 2015

Broken (Site News)

Some of the stuff related to the website have been broken. FeedCombiner went poof suddenly too so I had to switch to rssmix. Things just aren't working on feedburner side either. I would love to fix everything if I had the time, but I can't so enjoy my temporary solutions. See you all next time! (I need to do another website overhaul in December so I'm brainstorming some ideas around.)

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Some changes to the News Publishing

So Yahoo! Pipes is dead, and so is my last reason to ever visit Yahoo! again.

I was using Pipes as an easy utility to combine feeds and thrust them into feedburner to allow for posts to appear on the mainpage. This actually still holds true (mostly) but there are some issues. Yahoo! Pipes also enabled me to filter the feeds, and add variables to the original posts, but due to having to find a quick alternative, some old things like the author of the post have been removed. I'm also no longer able to display embedded media from the blogs at all on the main site. The embedded media still exists, honestly, it's just not filtering thru to the main page. I MAY be able to fix this in the future, but for now nothing I can do. <-- this has been my alternative for the short term. I'll talk to some people about a better solution some day.

New Project (Digital Devil Calculator)

So a long time ago, when my website was just born, I hosted a calculator for Shin Megami Tensei: IMAGINE. It was a horrible tool I built in flash and was very poorly designed.

That being said, two months ago, I decided I'd do it again - so the update to that tool has been made... Only 4 years later. That's kinda crazy.

Download the full client release.
Windows OS

Here is the untested webversion.
Web Version

If you're curious about the legacy version for some ungodly reason, unfortunately the desktop application version has been lost to eternity, but the website version of the old one still exists for some crazy reason. You can find that here:
Legacy Web Version

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Blogs and Stuff

So an update, the news blog is now a subdomain of this website, with it being pointed to as, it also is now instyle with the site.

My personal blog is also pointed now as a subdomain, as Hope that's easier, i think.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Updates and another look back

News Bit:

-New Website Design
-Full html5 usage
-New buttons for facebook, email and deviantart.
-New access directly to my YouTube and Twitch accounts
-Removal of extraneous and confusing features that weren't of much use.
-Old pages do still exist, they just aren't part of the main site any longer.


The last major update I did to my website was back in June of 2013. I had since stuck by my website design for over a year doing literally nothing with it, and letting it just update its feed as I worked on other projects. Why? Because I felt like waiting. I knew HTML5 was coming. I knew one day it would see validation.

But when it did, where was I?

I ignored it, I had grown tired of web development. I had school, and work, and people I care about to worry about. In fact, I'm still just as tied up now as I was in October when the W3C recommended HTML5 as a web standard. But I digress, I should get on to the point.

I have sacrificed sleep today to heavily research the HTML 5 markup syntax, and decided I was going to make an HTML 5 valid webpage. But that wasn't enough, no. I hadn't updated my site layout in over a year. SURE there were updates but updates no one can notice aren't really much in terms of updates at all. I didn't even note them in this blog. All I did was translate all the xhtml 1.1 transitional code into xhtml 1.0 strict. It was a tedious and difficult job, but no one would notice that. I wasn't doing layout changes.

But here we are. Finally. I spent a good seven hours straight on this project, and I'm happy to say it's finished. Perhaps it could use a bit of polish, maybe a bit of tweaking or a new skin (that dark gray isn't very pretty, even if it does suit my tastes), but it's finished. That skeleton will remain that way for another year at least.

But I decided to look back, at all the iterations of this website, since I first started using it back in 2011. Certainly, before this website, I utilized services like blogger and forumer, and even before that I think neopets had some kinda website design thing, but this website was my first true strike into personalized, experimental webdesign. So here is every major design of deckuzdomain.

Introduced some time in 2011
Introduced some time before October 2012
Introduced January 1rst 2013
Introduced December 13th 2014

Friday, June 21, 2013

New Stuff

The Custom Search tool is now more reliable than ever (it's in the top right of every page and responds very well to even searches for videos on my YouTube channel and DeviantArt work... Although you kinda have to know more than three words of the title of whatever you're searching for most of it to work, so it's not perfect.

Also new and worth mentioning is the Short Story Page got updates to two of the stories which were... Fairly neglected. So yeah, cool reads if you are interested.

And for the biggest most blatant update of all. I've updated theRSS FEED! It now aggregates by date any and all updates to the news blog, the random blog, my deviantart gallery, and youtube video feed as well as the Hei Long Xin video channel! You can subscribed to the feed on the RSS button in the lefthand sidebar by copying the URL into a Feed Reader (like this one for Chrome, or basically anything here). It's pretty cool and a good way of keeping up to date if you care enough to.

Oh, and the main page may have a news feed or something of the last five posts maybe. Idk. Possible.

Edit: Main page's news feed has been improved with a load more content option and the htaccess file now allows webpages to be called like this:

Not sure if it's handling it perfectly, but it appears to work for now.

Edit 2: Switched from Chimpfeedr to Yahoo! Pipes. Seems to work a lot better.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Overhaulin' Again (Revision Time Machine!)

Due to some design decisions facilitated by someone prior, we had a major redesign overhaul since November 2011:

Actually, prior to that, it was much worse,

There are some more bitter examples that I cannot find, but I'm kind of happy for that.

This was when I finally started using the current default theme.

there were some more revisions - damn wayback machine never takes as many captures as it should.

ANYWAY, this same facilitator decidedly told me the website was poorly designed, and despite my anguished screeches of indignence - I must say, sadly, they had a point... Even if they helped me redesign the very design they were comp-

BESIDES THE POINT, that I'm not sure exists, massive redesign, for a cleaner, sleeker look. New search bar up top (still not 100% but better than my last iteration), and erm, I did have to clear out the stylesheets so no new styles for a bit, my bad.

(Page does break on Zoom Out but that's pretty normal for anything that wasn't coded for that. Zoom In works fine)

New vids on the video page, although it's really more Portal, and a new Contact Form fully utilizing php has gone up on the contact page. Take a peek if you wish. The only new page is the new 500 error page, which you should never see unless I really break something without notice.

Also the resources page did see a ridiculously minor update in the form of this amazing tool which I have just realized can actually work Javascript and will actually convert non-standard characters into URL friendly ones. (ie, & becomes &amp; and the spacebar becomes &nbsp;)

EDIT/UPDATE: Zoom out error fixed. The problems lie in pixel usage rather than em. em sizes now used. Other issue was borders but nesting divs worked well.

IE 7-9 actually work now although anything before 9 is unsupported and does cause some undesired image problems. 6 and 5.5 do not work at all.